(click here for information on beads
& wire)
- brass wire (0,30 mm)
- green craft wire (0,31 mm)
- white beads, size 11/0
- green beads, size 11/0
- pink beads, size 11/0 (use any color you like for the
- flower stem/stalk wire
- flower tape
- Make a start with basic
technique 1.
- Next make a leaf with the following amount of
- Place 9 beads on one wire end, and insert the wire through the 1st
bead on the petal. (Dependent on the size of beads used, you can also
place 8 or 10 beads.)
- Place another 9 beads on the other wire end, and insert the wire
through the 1st bead on the petal also.
- Pull the wire ends tight together and wind them together for about 1
cm. The result is one rose petal.
Make 8 petals for 1 rose.
Img. 1
Img. 2
Img. 3
Img. 4
Img. 5
The petals must be wound around an anther:
- Take 30 cm of brass wire and place 7 beads in the middle of the wire.
Take one wire end, miss 3 beads and insert the wire back through the
remaining 4 beads.
- Place 7 beads, as close to the already placed beads, on one of the
wire ends. Miss 3 beads and insert the wire back through the remaining 4
- Place 7 beads on the other wire end and repeat step 2. Wind the wire
ends together.
Img. 1
Img. 2
Img. 3
Next to make are the sepals:
- Use basic technique 1.
Use green craft wire and string the following amount of beads:
Make 6 sepals for 1 rose.
Img. 1
Next are the green leaves:
- Use basic technique 1.
Use green craft wire and string the following amount of beads:
- Make 5 leaves and wind the first 3 leaves together. Wind a stem for
about 1 cm. Now place the other 2 leaves around the stem and wind
further down.
Img. 1
Img. 2
Finally the baby's breath:
Place an amount of white beads on the green craft wire.
- Take 3 beads and place them 15 cm from the wire end. Press the beads
together and wind down for about 1 cm.
- Take another 3 beads and place them 1 cm from the end of the first
- Press the beads together and wind down for about 1 cm.
- Make another braid with 3 beads.
- Take the wire ends and wind them down for about 2 cm. Place another 3
beads approx. 4 cm. from the end of the last braid. Press the beads
together and wind down for about 1 cm.
- Make 2 other braids as described at points 1-4. Make 3 x 3 braids.
Take the wire ends and wind them down until the end of the wire. Clip
off the wire.
Make 3 branches of baby's breath per rose.
Remember that the distances may vary. It looks more natural.
Img. 1
Img. 2
Img. 3
Img. 4
Img. 5
Img. 6
Putting the rose together:
- Use 40 cm of flower stem/stalk wire. Place the anther on the top of
the stem. Eventually fasten it to the stem with floral tape.
- Place the 8 petals round the anther and fasten them with floral tape.
- Take the 6 sepals and place them directly under the petals. Fasten
with floral tape.
- Wind the stem for about 2 cm down from the sepals.
Attach 3 branches of babies breath and one branch of green leaves to the
Continue winding the stem down for about 7 cm and attach the 2nd branch
of green leaves.
Wind down until the end of the stem.
Finish off the end of the stem with floral tape.
Img. 1
Img. 2
Img. 3
Img. 4
Make 40 roses to create a beautiful full
